Wednesday, December 7, 2011



 My name is Vanessa Ramos, and I am a Student at Eastern Kentucky University . Honestly I have always hated to read, but attending college has showed me no matter what you always have to read. Before college I never thought reading would be such a big deal, but I learned quickly it is not so. Although reading has been a hard hurdle for me to jump over, my experience in college has really helped with great teachers such as Professor Benningfield my English teacher who has helped me become a better writer by pushing me to the best I can.  In English 101 I thought it would be an easy class because it was a general education class, but it has actually been one of the classes I have worked really hard in. There was so much reading and writing I was sure I would fail the class. It moved at such a fast pace, I couldn’t keep up. As the class progressed I found myself getting better and better. I have learned a lot this semester reading the work of many interesting people such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King and The Dalai Lama, and this class has helped me grow into a better student. 


Government is a big part of our society; whether we like it or not. During the first semester of class we had many readings of what made a good government. What I have gathered is that socialism and democracy both have good qualities that would make up a good government; but they can only work if the citizens are put first. The main role of a government should be to protect its citizens and make sure they have their rights. Also a good government is non- violent but not disarmed.
Government is like a puzzle it needs many parts to make a good Government

To begin humans are more important than maternal things. Socialism of course has to do with the social aspect of life; its biggest job is to encourage the greatest potential in people. For example socialism provides freedom from fear, oppression, violence, and responsibility. It is also keen on making the world a better place, by providing basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and health care. All of this which Gandhi was a big advocate of, If our government provides this then it is doing its job, because then people can achieves their greatest potential.

Next democracy is when people have a say in their government. Meaning they all have a say in the way they live; everyone thinks for themselves. Gandhi ideology of democracy is “that the weakest should have the same opportunities as the strongest.” This offers a sense of equality, and makes sure that no one has power over anyone this creates a good government because everyone is equal.
A government will not work it its people are not willing. A government is just as strong as its people so it is the government’s job to keep its people happy so they are willing. Citizens must be willing to seek peace and let go of violence. A good government only works if its citizens live in harmony. They also need to be trusting in themselves and also their leader. Without trust there is no foundation.

                                                                                       ~*Wealth and Poverty*~

wealth should give a hand to the poor

There is so much to write about this topic. In my opinion people do not choose to be poor, and that is why they should be helped but if only they choose to.  The wealthy and poor can make a better race if they just decide to help each other, but this cannot happen unless the wealthy help financially. Wealth should be welcomed because it can have many positive outcomes.
The best way to close the gap is by sharing the wealth. For example society should give minimum income which would help all families it can be used for basic necessities like food, clothing, housing and health care that can help many people. Next another way to help poverty is by charity. Unlike the poor, are not restricted to opportunities in life. The wealthy have the power that during their lives they have the advantage to help themselves and others.  Carnegie says “The duty of the many of Wealth: first to set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results.”(Carnegie pg. 399) This is why charity is a great way to fulfill this duty, such as soup kitchens or supporting foundations that help the poor. 
In my case I may not have a lot, but I do my best to help. I have participated in many organizations such as united ways, pennies from heaven, angel giving tree and many others to help with the less fortunate. I have also been on my own for a while and have had to work and go to school and try to save as much money as I can.  I hope that one day I will be able to live comfortable, but if this does not happen that there will be people willing to help.   


picture says it all
            Justice is morally right and promotes fairness, but unfortunately the world we live in is not as pretty as it seems. We have been in a world full of hate, racism, prejudice, and unjust law.
Martin Luther King Jr. is a great example of breaking unjust laws. During the time while King was alive there was a lot of prejudice towards the African American population. Many horrible things were happening to them there was segregation and violence used against them. For example a group of children started a crusade to help end these unjust laws and it broke out to violence such as beatings, tear gas, and water hoses being sprayed at them. King believed in non-violence and carried a message of peace freedom and love, and eventually that message was carried out and that unjust was ended. People should break unjust laws because it is the right thing to do.  Many unjust laws could be changed if citizens turn this wrong into a right. It is a duty that is installed in everyone.
Everyone deserves justice and it is upsetting to know that innocent people have and still are being treated unjust because of no justice. The most powerful statement said by Thoreau is “The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think is right.”(pg176).  This is how I live on a daily basis; it is the little things that count. When I feel something is not right I stand up for it and try to make it better. This is how I live on a daily basis; it is the little things that count.


Ethics/Morality all depend on hoice.
Overall ethical/moral behavior is basically doing the right thing. Anyone can have ethical/moral behavior even without religion, because anyone can do the right thing. Like I have said before the world is not such a pretty place, but the world is what we make it.  
Out of all the reading assignments, reading the work of The Dalai Lama has been one of my favorites. He explains that in order to have happiness we have to have a positive attitude; which I totally agree with. For example if we have a positive attitude then even surrounded with negativity there will still be peace, but if we have a negative attitude even in a positive atmosphere there will be hostility. Many people look at the negative sides of things and that is the wrong way of going about a situation. For instance I lost both my parents and if I look at the negative I probably would not be in college right now trying to do my best. Although life can be hard we learn from and having a positive attitude can help make it easier. Also changing our perceptions of things can make a difference in life. People today just seem to care about themselves instead of what is best. If people were less selfish and tried to find happiness in the good this world would be worth living in. When people start following what the Dalia Lama says things will be great. J