Hello My name is Ja'Tyuan Landing I have been attending ENG 101 for my the Fall semester of my sophomore year. ENG 101 is a class with alot of reading and writing from beginning to end, but at the same time your ability to analyze and write a great paper gradually gets better with every reading response and essay that we had to do. I haven't always had the best writing skills but at times my professor knew how to bring it out of me just from her responses to some of my papers in the beginning. She would tell me to put yourself in the audience and write it to keep yourself interested because if I myself is not interested in what i write then who else would be? my peers as well were great reviewers of my paper and also have great suggestions on my essays in places that they were better in and that i would struggle in and i am thankful for those who helped in my class. Although the class had lots of work it actually wasn't that much of a time consumer, as long as you had the will to work and show up you were sure to pass. All in all this class as well as the teacher is something i would definitely suggest students into taking.
From my readings about Gandhi and Lao Tzu i thought together they would both best represent how i would put my ideal government together. Gandhi believes in self government because it depends on your own internal strengths, no large group is better than an individual self government. I'm not saying everyone should be by themselves in government but i do think everyone should be able to have a say in there government and have it actually mean something rather than it being just another floating thought. Lao Tzu puts my government pretty much all the way together. He gives me the thoughts that we must minimize the power of government to prevent oppressing people, govern in a way that you as a government seem invisible, and have a balance of power dont over esteem you leader. with that being said in my ideal government my leader needs to be someone who lets things take its natural course, minimize some laws, be a role model, be willing to work along side people, not controlling, not so concerned with power, must be humble, and non manipulative. now if you put both of those government views together you will get a government that will trust its people to do right, we should not be violent and only result to war if its in defense only and when we are victorious we shall not celebrate because our enemy is also human. The role i play in a government consist basically of abiding by the rules and being a good citizens and going to school so that im not just another statistic or stereotypical black male.
when it comes to being Rich or poor there's alot of controversy in what should be done to who and who's being treated the worst. Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto which was to help the working class end there position as the low class in society and everyone become equal. He said the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. John Kenneth Galbraith talks about poverty and its two different types; case poverty which he says this poverty can come from an individual an his or her family caused from things like alcoholism, ignorance, discrimination, or specific disability. The other is insular poverty which is really controllable it has to do with your environment rather than in yourself. In my opinion the situation of poor and rich its a matter of taxes why would you put taxes on the poor which are the citizens who have little to nothing rather than putting a tax on the millionaires and billionaires out there who are living in lavish. I'm in the lower middle class myself and with the little money i have i still give away when i can because there's always someone out there less fortunate than myself. I want to have a lot of money when i get out of college i want to actually play in the NFL but at the same time i want to share my wealth and have my own charity organization which helps less fortunate kids an their families.
Martin Luther King And Henry David Thoreau where two men who described Justice best for me. I've experienced things such as Martin and David in a sense of having to deal with Racism and also fighting for what you believe in regardless of what others are saying about you. justice is the consequence after breaking a law or is it? because some laws that maybe be unjust to you may not be to the next person. i think laws should have an equal outcome for all who break them unless we are saying some people can become above the law. martin Luther king points to segregation as being something that is unjust., but would you say the same because back in his time segregation was a law. there are times where you shouldn't have to abide by certain laws but most of the time laws are just so we shouldn't have as many problems as we do now in the universe.

While being apart of Professor benningfields class i must admit that this was far from easy especially with other classes and football going on but i will take a lot from this class: making a great thesis, being able to critique my own work, having better sentence structures, being able to site websites, and being able to write a full essay that is readable and likeable . i really enjoyed this class and reccomend this for every student and what i mean when i say i recomend im recommending you to get into professor benningfields class. this professor will not sugar coat anything for you she is straight forward and will tell you how it is. this class is for growing not staying on a certain level and she will surely help you with this. i cant really say much on how to improve her teaching because she gives you all the information its just up to you to use you mind and put it all together and create something that you and your professor will be proud of.
Works cited
Katie Isaacs: I like how you wrote it and your opinions. Good job! I would just add some citations in the blog/paper not just the pictures.