My name is Kasey Powers I love anything agriculture related
even though I’ve never actually lived on a farm. I came to Eastern Kentucky
University because I hate UK and Murray was too far away. When I first came to
my English 101 class it seemed like any other English class read, respond,
read, respond, but I found myself thinking deeper into the readings. Things
like how each point of view and each topic affected me.

I feel very blessed to live in our country because I know
that we have freedoms and opportunities that people in other nations could only
dream of. I think an ideal government is one that does not limit its’ citizens
in any way. “We hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness”(Thomas Jefferson). My ideal government is one where
all the components of society can play off of each other and improve together.
Citizens hold the most important place in our government, as
any role with the majority does in any situation. Citizens ultimately decide
who is in charge and therefore how our country is run. It is our job to improve
our nation in every way from the products we make to the businesses we run or
work for.

Wealth and Poverty:
“Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is
bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community”(Andrew
Carnegie). I agree with this quote, if you have excess amounts of wealth it’s
your duty to society to help improve your community. I do think it’s necessary
to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, even distribution of wealth is
one of the main things that could improve a community. It would erase snobbery
and resentment and replace it with a sense of camaraderie and equality.
I myself do not manage money very wisely. I have never had a
savings account and my money never seems to last that long. Whether it burns a
hole in my pocket or I just have too many bills as a nineteen year old is up
for debate. The only way I can afford to help the poor with money is donate to
the Salvation Army every time I see them at Christmas time; I find it’s easier
for me to contribute to the poor by volunteering my time. My ultimate goal for
my money and my financial state in general is to simply not be broke all the
time. I want to have money saved for emergencies so the sky is not falling when
they occur, I want to be able to donate to worthy causes, and I want to just be
worry free where money is concerned.

In my mind justice is the ever-present “right thing to do”,
which is almost impossible to determine the majority of the time. I think
injustice is far more common in our world. The treatment of women in countries
such as Iran, white supremacy in South Africa (Hotel Rwanda), and child slavery
are just some of the injustices that occur in our world every day. These things
are all unjust because they possess the attitude that one sex, ethnicity, race,
or human being is superior or even more valuable than the other.
I believe there is no room for unjust laws in our world that
they all can and should be broken. Our world is corrupt enough without the
government enabling such things. My role against injustice is to stand up for
what I believe in on a daily basis whether it’s someone being judged or picked
for his or her beliefs at school or voting against something I’m opposed to in
our government.

Ethics/Morality is the sense of right and wrong we are all
supposedly born with. Yet in our society today we have terrorists, rapists, and
murderers just to name a few and justice is definitely not served in every case
simply because they have become so common in our world our government cannot punish
them all.
I do believe ethical/moral behavior can be achieved without
religion. I think everyone is born with that sense of conscience but due to
life events some turn away and ignore it. I think whenever people talk about
karma that it easily relates to your personal morals/ethics, it’s the prime
example that you reap what you sew. I think being happy is going through life
with a feeling of contentment, comfort, and confidence. Being sure of yourself
and knowing who you are giving that self satisfaction that helps you get
through the day and prepare for tomorrow. I do consider myself happy, I have
everyday worries and concerns but I don’t let that keep me down or hold me
back. I find happiness in everything I love such as my family, friends, and horse.

Being an individual means knowing your place in the world
and knowing that how you conduct yourself as a person is the main way to
improve the world. If each citizen strives to better themselves than that alone
improves society, working towards a positive end to each day betters society
for all of us. We all have the responsibility to show our government what would
create a better life for all of us and to help each other in turn create that
life for themselves. As an individual I see myself as a confident and
passionate human being, I will never conform to what others consider normal or
acceptable, in fact those are the social barriers I believe we should try to
rid ourselves of. I contribute to society by always trying to do right by others
and myself. I believe that supporting each individual is supporting the
collective, by that I mean in listening and responding to each persons beliefs
and ideas you are in turn supporting the collective. As humans we are sometimes
easy to manipulate and coerce so it is debatable whether it is truly possible
to be a true individual. Factors such as culture are other things that can
limit your individuality, an example being in Middle Eastern countries where
women have to wear headdresses called a hijab. Every individual is shaped by
life experiences and since no ones life is the same this explains why we are
all so different. Society shapes us by giving us laws and standards to live by
though some of us go so far as individuals as to rise above the authority of
the government. I am involved in my society to the point that my goal in life
is to benefit not only myself but also every other person I possibly can.

I will carry every conclusion I have made about myself, my
government, and my place in society
during this class for the rest of my life, though I hope to refine my ideas and
beliefs in a hope to better communicate them, the authors I have read in this
class certainly gave me a good start to doing just that.

Government Image, http://www.execte.com/politics/2010/idea-of-government-licensing-internet-proposed-by-microsoft-to-prevent-malware-attackes-07103505.html
Vote Image,
Rich Man Poor Man Image, http://catholicnotebook.blogspot.com/2010/09/september-26-2010-26th-sunday-in.html
Ethics/Morality Image,
ReplyDeleteJefferson, Thomas."Declaration of Independence."Ed. Lee Jacobus. World of Ideas. New York.Bedford St. Martins, 2000.77-83.Print.
The previous comment was also me (Kasey Powers) I'm having difficulties.