Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ENG 101 final project - Robert Lucas


Hi my name is Robert Austin Lucas, I’m from a small town in northern Kentucky and I came to Eastern because it wasn’t to big but it wasn’t the small town I’m from. My first thoughts about the class was that there was a lot of homework and that it was more like a history class than an English class.



I think that our U.S. Government is about as close to perfect as government will ever get. We as “The People” will never fully know what goes on in politics and in the end really have no hand in the decision that the government makes. The best part about our government is that we aren’t a dictatorship like other countries and we are, at least, able to vote in members of congress and presidency. Voting is our only role in our current government, that and paying taxes. The ideal government consists of many people in charge to make decisions, not one person as there is in a dictatorship. The ideal government consists of loyal and trustworthy representatives which we don’t have and never will have.

Wealth and poverty

John Kenneth Galbraith said that it is the responsibility of the wealthy nations to help out the poorer nations in order to make this a better world. I agree to the fullest that it is our responsibility as a wealthy nation to help those in need. It is also the responsibility of the poor nation to accept our help and to follow our lead to bring them out of poverty.
            Robert B. Reich said that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. This statement is totally true because the poor can’t help themselves and the rich only help themselves. The rich are set on making themselves wealthier and more powerful, while allowing the poverty stricken areas of the world suffer when they could use that wealth to bring someone out of poverty. Some of the poor are so poor that they cant even help themselves out of their slump and need someone to give them a hand and that is why it is our responsibility as a rich nation to help those in need.

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